Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cellar, or house?

Recently, a few of my favorite wine blogs have been been "showing their racks" to the reading world. (See , and, their flickr group is here) Well, I'll skip the pictures, as mine is fairly easy to describe: it's our house. Thats right, our house is actually our cellar, thermostatically set to a cellar perfect 55 degrees F, and reasonably humid as well. While you might say this sounds extreme, its actually quite practical. Think, in colder weather, we spend a significant amount of money on heat. If you're investing in a decent size cellar, and don't have a basement that lends itself to the project, you're also spending a sizeable amount of dough. I realize this is a slightly rediculous proposition, but maybe if we all keep our houses a little cooler, we'll enjoy well kept wine and have more money to spend on it too. Hey, its a thought, right?

1 comment:

Dr. Debs said...

As someone who used to live quite nearby in beautiful downtown Hamilton NY, I must say that your comment reminded me of wine bottles and storage problems past! My basement was too cold for wine storage (it was below 32 down there for most of the winter), and so there was wine in every nook and cranny. And the heating costs--makes me shiver to think about it! I'll be checking in to see what you are up to and what you are drinking this winter to keep warm.